Yes, You read it Right! A New Social Media Platform has been launched. It's a race & to achieve the attention " MASTODON " has come. Now, before starting from where it come, when, & who created. We will talk about its name i.e, Mastodon distinctly related to Elephant " Mastodon is a Greek Word that depicts any species of extinct Mammut family that inhabited in North & Central America". Mastodon as a Social Media Platform says its a free open source self hosted social networking site. It's each user is a member of a specific, independently operational server. An outer source says it has employees that will take care of "Report Spam" & other additional features of it. Now. no bot system where your Submission to Report Post will be just end up with a message " Thank-you for informing but it seems no abusive". Here, unlike other trending social sites, Post if called "TOOT", Comment is "BOOST", etc. Man...
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